Sunday, May 16, 2010

SomeOne I Can Be Real With

If you merely pretend that you enjoy God or love Him, HE KNOWS! You cant fool Him, dont even try.

Instead, tell Him how you feel. Tell Him that He is not the most importantthing in this life to you, and that you are sorry for that. Tell Him that you have been shady, that you have chosen ___________ over Him time after time! Tell Him that you want Him to change you, that you long to genuinely enjoy Him. Tell Him that you want to experience true satisfaction and pleasure and joy in your relationship with Him. Tell Him you want to love Him more than anything on this earth. Tell Him you want to treasure the kingdom of Heaven soooo much that you would willingly sell everything in order to get it. Tell Him what you like about Him, what you appreciate, and what brings you joy!!

Jesus, I need to give myself up. I am not strong enough to love You and walk with You on my own. I cant do it, I need You. I need You deeply and desperately. I believe You are worth it, that You are better than anything else I could have in this life or the next. I want You. And when I dont, I want to want You. Be all in me. Take all of me. Have Your way with me.

By Francis Chan

Friday, May 14, 2010

So what about you??

Since I Have My Life Before Me

I’ll live my life to the fullest. I’ll be happy. I’ll brighten up. I will be more joyful than I have ever been. I will be kind to others. I will loosen up. I will tell others about Christ. I will go on adventures and change the world. I will be bold and not change who I really am. I will have no troubles but instead help others with their troubles.

You see, I’ll be one of those people who live to be history makers at a young age. Oh, I’ll have moments, good and bad, but I will wipe away the bad and only remember the good. In fact that’s all I remember, just good moments, nothing in between, just living my life to the fullest. I’ll be one of those people who go somewhere with a mission, an awesome plan, a world-changing plan, and nothing will hold me back. I’ll set an example for others, I will pray for direction.

I have my life before me. I will give others the joy I have and God will give me more joy. I will do everything God tells me to do. I will follow the footsteps of God. I will do my best!!!

~Brooke Bronkowski

During her freshman year of high school, Brooke was in a car accident while driving to the movies. Her life on earth ended when she was just 14 years old, but her impact did not. Nearly 1500 people attended her memorial service. People from her public high school read poems she had written about her love for God. Everyone spoke of her example and her joy.

I shared the [good news of Jesus] and invited those who wanted to know Jesus to come up and give their lives to Him. There must have been at least 200 students on their knees at the front of the church praying for salvation. Ushers gave a Bible to each of them. They were Bibles that Brooke had kept in her garage, hoping to give out to all her unsaved friends. In one day, Brooke led more people to the Lord than most ever will.

In her brief 14 years on earth, Brooke was faithful to Christ. Her short life was not wasted. The words from her essay seem prophetic: You see, I’ll be one of those people who live to be history makers at a young age.

---Francis Chan

CrazyLove: Overwhelmed By a Relentless God

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Be patient...

Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near.
James 5:7-8

Maybe you can relate to me in this: I want things to go my way. Not some of the time. Not most of the time; but all of the time.

I want to be in charge of my life. I want things to work out according to my plan, my agenda. And because of that, I can sometimes grow impatient with God’s timing. I try to get Him to follow my timeline.

But nothing is more futile than trying to control God.

God has a plan for each of us. And the Bible says that His plan is much better than our own.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans for to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11

We may not agree; we may not even understand it. But when we are patient in following God’s plan, as James tells us, we will come to realize that God only wants the best for us and that His timeline is perfect.

Don’t grow impatient with God. Instead, trust in His plan, have patience and discover how truly valuable the crop is that God has in store for you.