So in class today, a woman preached on the stars that Abraham saw as God spoke to him and God promised Abraham children that would out number the stars. Just think about the image that Abraham the middle of a desert, in the pitch black dark of night! He looks up and he sees MILLIONS of sparkling dots in the sky, as if they are saying "I am one of your future grandkids." But then Abraham notices that as he counts, there are stars that keep appearing brand new, and others that are dying off. And so Abraham loses count, but how happy he must have been! Abraham went from a man whose wife was barren, to being promised that God would provide him a SON! And God kept his promise. But little did Abraham know that one of these grandkids would be the man who would be called "the Morning Star"...or as my friend Erik Hawks once wrote "the one star that would never fall!"
That man is Jesus. Yesterday during youth bible study, one of my youth, Caroline, asked me about the star glued to my office door. The star reads "there's one star that will never fall..." She did not understand. Jesus, being called THE LIGHT and MORNING STAR, is that star that we can always look for to guide us and light the way! He never fails, He never falls.
So may you, when you look at the stars again, think about God's promise to Abraham...and realize that God's promise continues, that He will provide for your needs...especially in Jesus Christ!
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