Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Question: How do you think the disciples felt when Jesus arose from the dead?

Matthew 28:1-20

Would it surprise you that some of them were flat-out freaked out, to the point of doubting what they were seeing when they looked at Jesus? We never really talk about it much, but we should. It is the second principle of our MUTINY:
Get Real!

The thing we need to get real about is our spiritual condition. The writer Matthew did not white-wash the spiritual conditions of some of the disciples.
No, he just came right out and wrote it in permanent ink: “some doubted.”

But the great part to see here is that in spite of their doubts, they obeyed the commission of Jesus to “Go and make disciples of all nations.” And in spite of their doubts, Jesus used them. Jesus took their little bit of faith and did something big with it. He can do the same with our tiny faith as long as we continue to trust enough to obey Him. Jesus talked once about when we have faith as small as a mustard seed, we can move mountains!

But maybe Jesus was not so focused on the size of our faith, but more about God being the object of our faith. We all need to GET REAL about the faith and doubts we all have. They are very different because we all have encountered different situations and problems and temptations. In what scholars call our “post-modern world,” a person does not know if they can be sure about anything. As we continue to walk in our faith, we need to know that it is okay and healthy for us to wrestle through our doubts to our faith, just as the very early disciples did.

I mean think about it. It is really tough not to doubt our faith. Think about some of the major points of Christianity. We believe in a God that we cannot explain, trust in a Savior we’ve never met, and look forward to a heaven that we’ve never seen. It sounds UNBELIVABLE! But that is why it is called Amazing Grace! If it was totally easy to understand, it would be average grace!

So are you wrestling with and doubting your faith? Then I say great! It is okay! But just know this: in the midst of your doubt and wrestling, Jesus can still use you if you continue to trust and obey God in your life.

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