Time to flex the blogger's muscle again...gotta reclaim my voice and drive my journey deeper...
Recently I have fallen away because of some different stressors in my life....but all stressful things come to an end or work themselves out...and the same is true in my own life. Now, as my journal begins, I restart my journey to where I used to be, or maybe where God needs me to go...
And now to share my thoughts on life and God today...
"Lust is a poor, weak, whimpering, whispering thing, compared with that richness and energy of desire which will arise when lust has been KILLED!"
-C.S. Lewis from Red Lizard of Lust
Lust is a pretty crucial topic in the life of men and women alike. [So if you see me just focus on the men, please know it is not a gender issue. Ladies, all the ladies, this is for you too :) ] Our eyes can wander before we can think twice and often the second thought is about what we just saw. Often this is about looking at women (or men) and seeing them as an object instead of a child of God. We often get trapped in this lust and their seems to be no way out. The words of John Piper give us a starting point in overcoming lust, "We must swallow up the little flicker of lust's pleasure in the [all consuming fire] of holy satisfaction."
Our hearts should be so in tune with God that we no longer feel any form or need of lust. God can be that satisfaction for out lives if we let it. If Easter means anything, it reminds us that we can be made brand new, given a new life. A life where we have this holy satisfaction that centers on God and what He is doing in us and around the world. In this life, we are counted as righteous for our faith in God and His promises through a relationship in Jesus, our Savior. (Romans 4)
We are reminded to clothe ourselves, or surround ourselves on every side, with this new life of holy satisfaction and people/things that will support it. In this way, we may be tempted, but we never fall into the trap of lust. Why? Because, as John Piper writes, "Our aim is [no longer to] avoid something erotic [or tempting], but to gain something excellent."
Live to gain something excellent in a life that is completely dependent on God and the business He wants you to take a part in!!!
Until Next Time...
glad to see you back