Sunday, December 26, 2010

DEC. 26 sermon---Back in the Box Jesus

JESUS CHRIST birth has once again been celebrated. Excitement has built over a period of weeks. Persons have been more expressive of love, joy, good will, and peace than at any time of the year.

You know, we did “A Faircloth Christmas”…and that was great and good for that family. Colby received many toys and clothing items, the parents received gas, Walmart, JCPenny and Visa gift cards. Many of you were amazed by the outpouring of love the youth and some of the church had over this event, which confuses me! Should this not have been a natural response? I mean, this family is part of this congregation, a part of our family and our community…should we not have immediately responded the way we did without question or objection? This act and acts like them should be AUTOMATIC if we call ourselves Christians!! Amen or did I step on too many toes?

But then again, for a lot of us, that was yesterday.

Once more Christmas has come and gone. Nothing is as over as Christmas, when it is over. I was listening to the country music station on the way down from high point and their aint nothing better than hearing Alabama sing “Christmas in Dixie.” But then later that night…regular music!! In the span of SIX hours, we threw Christmas out with all that wrapping paper and bows!!

Before Christmas, up goes expectations…and the day after, down comes the decorations. My wife permits me the pleasure in participating in re-decorating the house. I get to go around packing up the tree and nativity we put out for the celebration.

There goes Mary and Joseph followed by sheep and wise men.

The last figure to be put away is Jesus.

The moment inevitably comes when it is time: "Back in the box Jesus."
He too is packed and put away. Somehow that seems symbolical of what really happens. As soon as Christmas day is passed we put away Jesus and return to our daily lives.

There is a Peanuts cartoon in which Lucy says to Charlie Brown.

"'Tis the season of peace on earth good will toward men. I suppose we ought to be a little kinder to each other." The ever hopeful Charlie responds, "It's a shame we can't make it last all year." To which Lucy retorts, "What are you, some kind of religious fanatic?"

The letter to Titus has something great to say to us about what we have just celebrated and witnessed in Jesus being born in a poop-filled manger!

Titus 2:11-14

11-14God's readiness to give and forgive is now public. Salvation's available for everyone! We're being shown how to turn our backs on a godless, indulgent life, and how to take on a God-filled, God-honoring life. This new life is starting right now, and is increasing our appetites for the glorious day when our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, appears. He offered himself as a sacrifice to free us from a dark, rebellious life into this good, pure life, making us a people he can be proud of, energetic in goodness.

Did you know there were many birth and life stories that sound similar to the story of Jesus? Why did our story survive?

LOVE! LOVE is the most essential part of the faith!! It is one of our candles in the Advent Wreath! It is the essence behind the Christ candle!!

But unfortunately, many of us have forgotten that the Bible is Gods love letter to us!

Why do we put Jesus back into the box? Because we forget that this time of year helps us remember the beginning of a love story. It is about God, it is about us.

This love story has changed lives, and will continue to change lives if we take Jesus back out of the box and dive back into Gods love letter and love the people God loves the most, EVERYONE.

We have enjoyed giving and receiving gifts this Christmas. Now that the season is over, dare we quit giving, loving, sacrificing, living?

Are we going to put Jesus back in the box or let Him be the object of our worship to Whom we give ourselves?

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