This set of verses are pretty awesome. You cannot come by this kind of wisdom these days!
A woman who sells her love
can be bought
for as little
as the price of a meal.
But making love
to another man's wife
will cost you everything.
27If you carry burning coals,
you burn your clothes;
28if you step on hot coals,
you burn your feet.
29And if you go to bed
with another man's wife,
you pay the price.
30We don't put up with thieves,
not even [b] with one who steals for something to eat.
31And thieves who get caught
must pay back
seven times what was stolen
and lose everything.
32But if you go to bed
with another man's wife,
you will destroy yourself
by your own stupidity.
33You will be beaten
and forever disgraced,
34because a jealous husband
can be furious and merciless
when he takes revenge.
35He won't let you pay him off,
no matter what you offer.
But as we think about this, we must remember this is Old Testament. Jesus brings a transformation to this...so though you may feel as if you have been stabbed in the back, beaten down and walked all over...do not be the one that doesnt allow someone to apologize...do not let verse 35 describe you, "He won't let you pay him off, no matter what you offer." We are about to experience a miracle, the coming of Jesus into our world....his life and teachings call us to transform everything we thought we know and how we should act. We are called to go from being "furious and merciless" to quick to forgive and go crazy in love!
Many of us consider this impossible, that some people are just impossible to forgive and love....but you are the one that can make it possible!
Until Next Time...
I think it is impossible to forgive some people. After you have forgiven and forgot to many times to remember and the same thing continues to happen don't you think it is time to give up?